Black Belt Magazine Bill Wallace October 13 | 2023 The former kickboxing champion and Black Belt Hall of Fame member outlines his expert perspective for you in this informative commentary! The first time you watched your favorite martial arts star…
Martial Arts and Self Defense for everyone.
Black Belt Magazine Bill Wallace October 13 | 2023 The former kickboxing champion and Black Belt Hall of Fame member outlines his expert perspective for you in this informative commentary! The first time you watched your favorite martial arts star…
Noel Plaugher Training Tips May 21 | 2023 Martial arts teach countless techniques for dealing with an opponent. Whether grappling on the mat in BJJ, Shuai-Jiao, or Judo, or squaring off in a ring with kicks and punches in Karate,…
Paul Landreth Smith Self Defense September 22 | 2023 People often turn to the martial arts to learn how to defend themselves. The trouble is that the ‘martial arts’ is about as vague as saying ‘sport’ or ‘vehicles’ when it…
Ian Lauer Philosophy January 17 | 2023 We talk a lot about the benefits of the Martial Arts. Training improves your strength, flexibility, and discipline, just to name a few reasons to participate in the Arts. Not to mention self-defense,…
Ian Lauer Fitness January 04 | 2023 In Part 1 of “Conceptualizing Power Creation” we discussed the basic parameters of power generation, your body’s movement through the height, width, and depth planes. In Kenpo terms we refer to these power generators as marriage of gravity, rotational torque, and back-up…
Ian Lauer Kicking Techniques December 28 | 2022 In Part 1 of “Conceptualizing Power Creation” we discussed the basic parameters of power generation (height, width, and depth), giving us a common vocabulary to discuss how the movement of our entire body creates power…
Ian Lauer Fitness December 21 | 2022 I train in multiple Martial Arts disciplines and frequently find myself comparing and contrasting the differences in striking techniques and hypothesizing why different arts perform their techniques as they do. A few questions…
Mark Jacobs Bullying October 22 | 2022 Shutterstock Kevin Meisner’s name is not a well-known one in martial arts. He’s never won any major championships, doesn’t claim any sort of deadly streetfighting skill nor does he have a chain of…
Noel Plaugher Self Defense September 08 | 2022 Even as a child, before I studied martial arts, the subject of self-defense would often come up. Granted, it was the late 70s and early 80s, so things were a little different.…
Andrew Bryan Self Defense August 31 | 2022 Last month I wrote about how to use Muay Thai for practical self defense. I still maintain that as far as a pure striking art goes, Muay Thai (along with boxing) are the…
Jim Wagner Self Defense August 24 | 2022 I recently had an interview with a European martial arts organization. If you’ve been keeping up with the news lately, Europe is not only seeing an increase in crime and violence, but…
Charles Earley Kids Martial Arts August 22 | 2022 The most helpless feeling in the world is having a child who fears going to school because of bullying. Bullying has been around for generations, but things have evolved to a…
Mike Petrarca Sport Karate July 27 | 2022 Martial arts have long been touted as a way to gain confidence, discipline, self-awareness, and mastery of body/mind stability. As a mental health counselor, coach, and recreational martial artist myself, I often…
The military understands this one fact when it comes to surviving on the battlefield… … a fat soldier is a dead soldier! In order to survive life-or-death combat, your body must be up to the task. That’s why…
People you Should Know: Charles Nelson Written By Eric Thorsen When you think of New York City, do you think of the Statue of Liberty or maybe even the colorful people that live there? That’s okay if you’re looking at…
Empty hand self defense is the absolute LOWEST form of self defense. If it were so great…we wouldn’t need weapons. Ever since Cain killed Abel with a rock, mankind has been developing faster, easier and more efficient ways of obliterating…
Self Defense size up happens in the first few milliseconds your in someone else’s space. They see you as a possible target of opportunity and they need to make a quick decision, a COST BENEFIT analysis if you are going…
“This is the difference between the SDTS and ALL other Martial Arts“ We took one attack, a two handed grab or choke from the front, and compared the SDTS to Aikido, Brazilian Jiujitsu and Krav Maga so you can SEE…
The Complete Guide to Brass Knuckles, Blackjacks and Fistpacks. Discover how to knock a grown man out with a roll of quarters…and more, much, much more. Considered TOO BRUTAL for police work, these tried and true weapons of self defense…
Posted by John Falkenberg, July 31, 2018 Updated on August 02, 2018 at 2:27 pm Recently, we covered UF Pro’s video experimenting with various handgun disarms. It showed some very interesting stuff! This time, the UF Pro team analyzed knife…
Self Defense Company Founder Damian Ross and Head of Instructor Development George Hutchings give you what you need to do before self defense…the self defense before the “self defense”. This is the most overlooked (and most important) aspect of self…
How to Take Down a Violent Subject… It’s not like the movies.” In the real world you would NEVER attempt to take down a violent subject by yourself. You use TEAMWORK and overwhelming numbers to subdue and control the target. The…
This article (State Makes It Legal to Shoot Cops in Self-Defense If They Violate Your Rights) originally appeared on and does not represent the opinions or beliefs of The Self Defense Company Ozark Mountains. Is it ever legal to shoot…
Reality Check is an on demand video program that will show you EXACTLY how to protect yourself against the most common street attacks using this breakthrough combatives system. We’ve Identified And Compiled The 9 Most Common Brutal Attacks With The…
Today any cowardly piece of garbage who can get their hands on a firearm is going to remind us how vulnerable we are and how fragile life really is. This is a part of life and we need to know…
This video lesson is from Guardian Weapon Retention Unlock this lesson (and dozens more) when you get the Guardian Weapon Retention Program. Order Now for Only $67 Normally $199.00 Your gun is no good if you don’t have time to…
Interesting training video. Notice out-and-out forearm trapping and blocking called “defensive traffic” and elbow use, called elbow blocks, but actually often just forearm blocks.
Halloween Bonanza…. 1. Why I have the compulsion to punch Tesla Owners in the face…even though I like the car2. Alec Baldwin active shooter?!?!3. Stupid Martial Arts Tricks
Justin Lee Ford Martial Arts August 11 | 2021 With a world as vast as ours is, it is no surprise that there is a large amount of opinions and information regarding the martial arts we train. Sifting through the…
Justin Lee Ford Martial Arts August 02 | 2021 When you start a new activity, it is common to have preconceived ideas about what to expect. When a new student begins training, their head is often already filled with thoughts…
Jason Kelly Fitness July 30 | 2021 Bruce Lee practiced strength training faithfully, just like martial arts. However, he was very secretive about his training. The programing Bruce created for himself was specifically designed to keep him lean and fast.…
Justin Lee Ford Fitness July 27 | 2021 Motivation lies at the heart of success, whether you are a student or a teacher. Excellence comes from our habits, yet we must be motivated enough to take that first step towards…
The following video is a story posted on CRACKED by Joe Lozito. It’s about this maniac Maksim Gelman who on February 11, 2011 went on a 28 hour stabbing spree and how Joe was in a fight for his life with…
Jim Wagner Self-Defense June 03 | 2021 There are only 10 directions in the entire universe: front, back, horizontal left and right, vertical up and down, and four diagonals, which is essentially the letter “X.” So, how many directions…
Want to WEAPONIZE your fitness? We will help you get fit with a purpose! Protect yourself and your loved ones AND improve your fitness! Call today: 417-763-8864 OR Email:
How to survive animal attacks – Lions and Sharks and Bears (Oh my!) 5 true stories and the bad asses who lived to tell the tale. Pop quiz: If you get attacked by a grizzly, you should: A) play dead B)…
The Grappling Bible Before Brazilian Jiujitsu, before the Olympics there was simply JUDO. Judo was the complete grappling art. It included Gi and No Gi training and spent time on both standing (tachi waza) and ground (ne waza) techniques. This…
How Far Are You Willing to Go? This is the question you need to ask yourself every day. What are you willing to do to protect yourself and your loved ones. My answer is simple – ANYTHING. And that’s how…
by Damian Ross Founder, The Self Defense Company An unrealistic self defense works against only unrealistic attacks. Most scenarios practiced fail in the real world because they’re practiced against a compliant, and passive partner who is simply letting you win.…
“Don’t Disrespect the JUDO CHOP! There’s a reason this strike is in EVERY form of self defense on the planet…because it works!…you just don’t know how to REALLY do it.” This is from the Self Defense Training System ™ Module…
“ARE YOU READY TO KNOW MORE ABOUT REAL SELF DEFENSE THAN MOST BLACK BELTS WILL EVER KNOW?” This isn’t a sport, or ceremony – this has nothing to do with martial arts. It’s about what you can to RIGHT NOW…
Heroes Among Us Today we want to celebrate the good side of mankind. Below are just a few stories of people, in some cases children, who stood up against evil. Calling them “regular” or “everyday” people would be a disservice…
This is a video of a Seattle area university student who used PEPPER SPRAY to stop a mass murder in 2014. After our hero took the gun away, he came back to subdue the subject who was still armed with a knife. He…
April 16, 2021, by theselfdefenseco Published by theselfdefenseco Founder, The Self Defense Company View more posts
In this episode of the Kill or Be Killed Podcast… What’s with the Finger Dart? How to Fight a REALLY BIG DUDE… …and a compliment?!?! Ready to Start the Self Defense Training System? GO HERE <<< Want to join the…
The only question you should ask first is… “How long will it take you to teach me to defend myself?” If the answer is anything longer than “one second”, you should leave and NEVER look back. Because they are teaching martial arts,…
This is what you should know about edged weapons…. The actual field studies regarding knife wounds and the effects of attacks on different target areas were pioneered by WWII commandos. Dull vs Sharp. The sharper the blade, the cleaner the…
We’re all disabled in some way. There are somethings we can do very well and other things, well…not so much. That’s just the way our maker put us together. We’re not the same person we were yesterday. The one thing…
[INCREDIBLE] Stories of Self Defense: Melissa Bruen and Maurice Osbourne Melissa Bruen As a senior at the University of Connecticut, Melissa was walking across campus during Spring Weekend talking on her phone when she was “picked up by the shoulders,…
June 10, 2020, by theselfdefenseco What exactly does “defund the police” mean?At its best it will eliminate the fat and overspend, and put that money into social programs at it’s worse it will cut man power which will increase response times and…
June 20, 2014, by theselfdefenseco Report: Average Male 4,000% Less Effective In Fights Than They Imagine. WASHINGTON—Contradicting the long-held belief that they would just go off and destroy anyone who tried to mess with them, a Department of Health and Human…
Get Mission Critical Self Defense Skills in Record Time with the Self Defense Training System COMBATIVES FAST COURSE Condensed Tactical Training For Close Combat Situations. In REAL Self Defense Situations… You won’t have time to think — you just have…
NOVEMBER, 2019, Text by Kelly McCann • Kelly McCann’s book Combatives for Street Survival: Hard-Core Countermeasures for Situations is available at So there’s this drink, and it tastes good. When you’re the one who made it, it tastes especially…
When I started training in martial arts I believed that I would be able to identify an attack and correctly block the attack with one of the several blocks I practiced day in and day out. But when I sparred…
Posted by G. Halek, March 30, 2016 Let’s not get too crazy here, but there are things that every person, who is carrying a firearm, should be doing in preparation for daily carry. It’s something that should never be taken…
“Discover MORE about REAL Self Defense than Most Black Belts Will EVER Know in 60 Minutes or Less.” Self defense isn’t a sport or ceremony — it’s what you can do RIGHT NOW and we’re going to show you how…
April 8, 2021, by theselfdefenseco Please post questions and comments below… Published by theselfdefenseco Founder, The Self Defense Company View more posts
What most people know about the law and self defense is based on urban legend, the movies and the media. Even the notion that you can only use deadly force (a firearm) when your attacker is armed is 100% FALSE. Most…
The three pillars of self defense are POSITION, DISTANCE and MOMENTUM. Position is where you are in relation to the threat. Distance is how far you are from the threat. Momentum is your motion forward. Momentum is the key. Keeping…
Complacency: A feeling of contentment or self-satisfaction, especially when coupled with an unawareness of danger, trouble, or controversy. An instance of contented self-satisfaction. Complacency tells you you’re too busy, too old, too injured or don’t need to know how to protect yourself because…
This is the incredible true story of how a woman, with no training whatsoever – disarmed and killed a larger, stronger, armed, known killer in self defense. The following article is from the Associated Press – An unnamed woman…
Bruce Lee was cool…but Kimura was the MAN. Time to put your nunchaku down, take the track suit off and meet a REAL bad ass. Once upon a time when Brazilian Jujitsu was called Judo there lived a man called Masahiko Kimura.He’s…
Technically the list should be titled “50 ways to tell if someone is drunk”…but it didn’t read well. Truth is if you’re drunk…you’re probably not going to notice yourself doing any of these because you’re, well…drunk. However if you’re bar tending, security, bouncing,…
Get Mission Critical Self Defense Skills in Record Time with the Self Defense Training System COMBATIVES FAST COURSE. Condensed Tactical Training For Close Combat Situations. In REAL Self Defense Situations… You won’t have time to think — you just have…
Today I’m going to show you how to really develop your knife skills and it’s not going to cost you a penny. In fact it’s even totally green since you’re going to be using your recycling! I will note that using MEAT…
I’ve been a few things in my life, but primarily I’m an instructor and a coach – which are exactly the same thing only “Self Defense Coach” just doesn’t sound right… Today there are legions of people calling themselves instructors…
Too old, too broke, too busy, too small, too weak too out of shape… We will show you something you can do right now to be safer and smarter. Your Instructor is standing by. CLICK >>>HERE<<<
You’ve been told by the experts that it takes YEARS of training to learn how to defend yourself but why should it take that long to learn something that’s INSTINCTUAL to every man, woman and creature on this earth? This INFURIATES…
Brian: “I’ve been training really hard in the SDTS and the other day I was just messing around with my brother and he was able to get the best of me, am I doing something wrong?” Damian: “Hey Brian, what…
An unrealistic self defense works against only unrealistic attacks. Most scenarios practiced fail in the real world because they’re practiced against a compliant, and passive partner who is simply letting you win. The following is a video of an attack…
UFC 1 showed the modern world the power of traditional martial arts was grossly exaggerated. Martial artists around the world stood in shock as they watched experts in many styles shatter their hands and feet using what they would assume to be “knock…
A Brief Study of the evolution of Combatives, Hand to Hand Combat, Self Defense and Mixed Martial Arts. The root word COMBAT – “to fight in direct contact,” “active fighting between enemies,” “any fight or struggle”. There are no specific country…
Chris McKnight, 27 was beaten by multiple attackers and later treated for a broken nose and concussion at a nearby hospital. The video below was captured by a bystander. Since we can’t see how the fight started – according to eyewitnesses, McKnight bumped into…
He wasn’t Bruce Lee or a Gracie and if you were weren’t one of the handful of people to ever train with him or get his videos you would have never known his genius or his toughness. He was my…
It never ceases to amaze me what people say or admit to on Facebook. No thinking, just whatever thought misfires in their heads gets thrown out there for the all the world to see. Oh, if you want to take…
This is the difference between the SDTS and ALL other Martial Arts We took one attack, a two handed grab or choke from the front, and compared the SDTS to Aikido, Brazilian Jiujitsu and Krav Maga so you can SEE…
Dr. Craig D. Reid Entertainment February 20 | 2021 New Sci-Fi Thriller From the Director of the Rebooted Kickboxer Movies Stars Nicolas Cage, Alain Moussi and Tony Jaa! When I first heard about Jiu Jitsu, a fantastical martial arts actioner…
Kelly Mccann Combatives November 28 | 2020 Intellectualization is defined as a defense mechanism that entails using reasoning to avoid unconscious conflict and its associated emotional stress — wherein thinking is used to avoid feeling. It involves removing oneself emotionally…
First, I want to show you exactly what NOT to do with a cane. Here is an “expert” on a news show demonstrating complicated and fancy moves on a compliant and submissive attacker. NEVER sacrifice style for substance….EVER. Moves like this…
By Damian Ross, The Self Defense Company While I consider the Self Defense Training System (SDTS) to be the best. I know I’m a little bit biased, but that said when selecting a martial art for self defense certain standards…
Some people actually believe that any self defense advice is good. To that end I would ask is any medical advice good? Is any nutrition or exercise advice good? Of course not…so it’s safe to say… Not all Self Defense…
There are very few things when it comes to training that give me a REVELATION – I don’t use that term often, if ever – so you need to listen to this segment of the Joe Rogan podcast with Firas Zahabi…
by Black Belt Magazine March 23 | 2011 For decades, kenpo has been renowned in the West as one of the most effective and efficient martial arts in existence, and for hundreds of years before that it enjoyed a similar reputation in…
Help Your Kids Defend Against Bullies and Find Safety in Any Situation. Developed by a team of law enforcement, advisors and psychologists, the Family Safe Program gives you the tools to show your child how to think on their feet without causing…
This article was originally a public forum post by the late Carl Cestari. DEFENDU was a complete method of armed and unarmed Close- Quarters Combat. The foundation of the DEFENDU method was rooted in the harsh and brutal realities of…
10 Minutes is all it takes to go from Candy Ass to Bad Ass If you’re living on this planet earth, you’re in the game. Your chance of being attacked NEVER changes and only gets more probable the older you…
“Lack of a Confidence in Your Non-Lethal Use of Force SkillsMakes You a Liability – NOT an Asset!” When a situation goes south….officers make mistakes because they are poorly trained in these non-lethal tactics. Because of this you are MORE LIKELY…
The City of Houston published this video for civilian reaction to an active shooter. The solution is simple – escape if you can, shelter in place or barricade if you can’t and fight if you must. The last thing you want…
…is taking the first step to fight back. When you practice in a typical self defense class – it’s easy to fight back. Someone is the attacker and the other person is the defender….they attack and you defend. You know…
It seems like every kid under 30 knows how to do an arm bar…and that’ OK because while their playing chess…we’ll play checkers! “How to Defeat an Arm Bar in the Street.” This is from the Self Defense Training System…
The primary focus of martial arts has never been self defense. Even though self defense is listed as a benefit of all martial arts, and you can use some martial arts to defend yourself, there are more efficient means to…
Take the Combatives Drinking Challenge (ages 21 and older only) There’s kind of a “don’t ask-don’t tell” policy in martial arts when it comes to drinking. Everyone assumes that you’ll be completely sober when you have to defend yourself and we…
By Massad Ayoob – August 24, 2018 When it comes to concealed carry, there are lots of statements portrayed as facts that are, in truth, myths. What are the concealed carry myths: A Good Shoot Is A Good Shoot Aim…
by Eric Diaz May 8 2019 • 2:50 PM It’s the first lightsaber fight we see in the Star Wars saga, and one of A New Hope’s most defining moments. Yes, we’re talking about the famous duel between Obi-Wan Kenobi…
Kicking the Nuts for Most People is Literally “Hit or Miss” Most people’s response to any self defense situation is just “kick him in the nuts”. It’s what you’ve been saying since 3rd grade and it’s easier said than done. The…