I was watching an old Nick Nolte action movie called “Extreme Prejudice” when one of the characters insulted a bad guy for having “pearl grips” on his revolver.
“Mother of Pearl” is one of those things that looks nice on a gun… but it’s really, really smooth and slippery.
In a gunfight, you want the best grip you can get on your gun – even if it gets wet or, you know, bloody.
One trick I learned – call it a “Home Depot Gun Hack” if you like – from a “tactical mentor” many years ago was to buy a big roll of 3M “Stair Tape.”
Turns out, this is very nearly the exact same “sandpaper texture” stuff they sell as grip tape for polymer framed guns like Glocks.
It gives you a GREAT grip on your gun, providing excellent traction no matter what.
I keep a roll of it on hand all the time, and I use it for things like knives, guns, and anything else I want to get a grip on.
(I mean, you could also use it for what it was intended to do – to make stairs and walkways less slippery, which is the whole POINT of the sandpaper texture!)
I’m always looking for more “gun hacks” to make me a better tactical shooter.
Some of the better tips and tricks I found were part of Brian Morris’ “Spec Ops” Shooting:

I don’t know about you, but if I have to shoot my way out of a mugging or a home invasion, I don’t intend to fight fair.
That means I want as many tricks and strategies to back me up as I can possibly get.
Get ready. Fight back. Stay alive.
– SG&T