by Damian Ross
Founder, The Self Defense Company
Adaptive Athletes–these amazing people have a common desire, to compete. Regardless of their affliction, they’ve adapted their current physical state to accomplish this task.
Now think of this in terms of SELF DEFENSE.
Your need for self defense is CONSTANT, but your physical and mental assets change from day to day.
As you get older, or injured you become MORE VULNERABLE and more attractive to predators. As humans we have good days and bad – sometimes we get a little out of shape (or a heck of a lot). You’re not a machine, it happens.
True self defense is a skill that needs to change with your current state of readiness.
When think you “need to get in shape” or you’re “too old” then need to change what you consider self defense to be because what you’re thinking of really isn’t self defense at all – it’s a fighting art or combat sport which requires a higher level of fitness and athleticism.
Self defense needs to work in YOUR WORLD, right now.
Do you think THIS 94 year old woman in florida who defended herself against multiple attackers was some sort of MMA, Ninja master >> Story HERE
Or this 86 year old grandma who used BACON to defeat a thief >>Story HERE
Of course not – they simply decided NOT to become a victim and ADAPTED what they had to fight back!
Adaptation begins with a simple YES or NO answer – YES you’re going to do it or NO you’re not.
After that you do whatever it takes to make it work…because you’re done making excuses.
There are hundreds of reasons NOT to do something, and only one reason TO DO something.
Successful people focus on the goal, unsuccessful people focus on the problems.
When it comes to self defense people always have the same excuses:
No time.
No money.
No ability.
…until they have a close call or worse -they’re a victim of a brutal attack. Then they suddenly find the time and the money and more importantly – the WILL to make it happen.
It shouldn’t matter if you’re training on your smartphone or in person – just get it done. Make it happen…ADAPT. Make yourself FIT your circumstances, because you can’t make your circumstances FIT you.
Why not start today? CLICK HERE