Who We Are and What We Do

Marsh Martial Arts at the Self Defense Company Ozark Mountains is owned and operated by Kip Marsh.  He has a 50 year history in the world of martial arts and self-defense.  He previously owned and operated Mountain Dragon Martial Arts for 10 years in Buena Vista, CO and Marshfield, MO.

Here is a list of the training available. Click on the link in each to learn more about it.

Scheduled Classes

By Appointment

A schedule of our classes can be found >>HERE<<.

Please feel free to contact us!

We are located in Marshfield, MO!

We welcome any questions or comments.


9 thoughts on “ABOUT

  1. Is this training appropriate for a 15 yr old young man experiencing bullying in school?

        1. Shawna, martial arts/self defense has helped millions of people develop the confidence and skills to cope with bullying. Contact us anytime.

  2. I’m interested in taking KORITSU SENTO on line, I have Teakwondo with my kid so it will make it hard to make the class. We’re do i subscribe?

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